Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Big Move!

Due to some changes, the Chag Blog will finally move in to its new home as it has been reformatted for the benefits of the people who the blog relates to. Some of the changes that occurred are re-organizing of posts as well as creating a new layout where it portrays originality from background to header and the rest of its elements.

The reason for the sudden change is to extend the scope of the people to whom this blog was mainly focused on. Appearing to have had this blog focusing only, if not within just one person, within a group called 'Tropang Chag' of which was mentioned oftentimes within post to post.

The rest of the articles since January 2010 will be archived in the blog's new home. For any references needed, you can find the necessary contact details in the page.

To go to the new site.

Click Me.

Thank you for following The Chag Blog. We'll be seeing you! :)

Friday, April 1, 2011


The Chag Blog will undergo full renovation within the next coming days. The purpose for this renovation is to recreate this blog to a much more related site for the people involved.

Format, title and some of the contents will be removed. Some postings will be transferred and some will remain. Possibly some of which will be archived.

Please stand by as this blog site will be reborn.